
About Me

I have earned a B.S. in Computer Engineering with focus on embedded system design at the University of Wisconsin in May 2007.
Between 2007 and 2008 I worked as a design engineer for Extreme Engineering Solutions, Inc.
In August 2009 I completed a M.S. EE with Prof. Dr. Mike Schulte's Madison Embedded Systems Architecture (MESA) group. My focus was on computer architecture and embedded system design.
In May 2010 I have started my doctoral studies at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology with the Computer Engineering Group headed by Prof. Dr. Lothar Thiele. My research interest lies in the field of low power/low energy networked embedded systems. I successfully defended my dissertation on May 27, 2015.

From 2003-2010 I ran a Martial Arts school in Madison, WI, in which I taught Wing Chun and Chi Gung for adults and children. Currently, my senior students have taken over teaching responsibilities, but I provide 2-3 seminars per year.